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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bottles in Rows

I've converted all my 9 x 5 1/2" rectangles to "bottles" by first making 4 snowball corners, then adding a lid.  The instructions say to sew your 1 1/2" square diagonally at each corner, but DO NOT trim the bottle fabric.  The bottle fabric is supposed to help anchor the corner flap.
When pressing the corners down, I can see how the extra fabric helps stabilize the corner piece.  Having never made a snowball block before, I can't tell you if this is standard procedure or if it's something new.  Whatever it is, I like it!
Laid out the blocks against my white design wall and was certain I'd achieved the optimal arrangement.  Then I added the black strips to form rows.
Uggh!  Now my "perfect" layout looked "all wrong." Working on a black background  is a game changer.  I need a black design wall.
Here's another variation.  It'll be a few nights before I do more sewing, so this arrangement will change many times.  I might throw in the yellow bottle I omitted when I took out a row.  Heck - maybe I'll add the whole row back... 

Yeeesh! This might be a good time to step away from this project and think a bit! :)

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